Cedar Rapids, Iowa 5/17/1919

Cedar Rapids

Cedar Rapids, Iowa, May 17, 1919

Dear Mother and Father:

I am now just an ordinary citizen again. We got our discharges yesterday and I went to Des Moines last night and came down to Cedar Rapids this morning. I have been busy seeing everybody I know and I have so many invitations that I would have to stay several days if I tried to fill them all. Everyone has been fine to me and it seems good to be back among old friends again. The college Spring Festival is to be about the 24th and I wish I were going to be here to see my many friends in the Minneapolis Orchestra. Stephens is going to play a solo on one of the orchestra programs.

The town looks just the same as ever. There is hardly anything new. The YMCA has built a new building and that is about all there is. The college has been growing right along and now that so many of the boys are back there should be still more next year.

Doc Crawford is as big as ever and his two little boys have grown a lot since I left. They have a nice little house, very nicely furnished and seem as happy as can be. The Walkers are taking me to the Country Club for dinner tomorrow (Sunday) and in the evening I have supper with the Crawfords. Tonight I have supper with the Stephens. I don’t know just when I will leave here but I think it will be Monday morning some time so I will get home in the afternoon or early evening.

Cedar Rapids has been very prosperous this last year or two but now things have slumped a bit. The cereal mills are not getting the big army contracts and have shut down almost entirely for a while. Most of the soldiers from here have come back but I don’t know whether there are many of them out of work or not. There has been lost of work and lots of money here but when the mills slow down it affects everything.

I shall be so happy to get home again. I can hardly realize that I am a free man and probably won’t until I get these clothes off. I enquired all over for the shoes but they had not come so I didn’t wait. I got a new pair of shoes issued but they are rough field shoes that I don’t like to wear around to nice places.

Well, look for me home Monday afternoon or evening. That isn’t very far off but it is long enough.

Love from


© Copyright 2014 by Alice Kitchin Enichen, All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Somewhere Heading West, Early May 1919

Dear Mother and Father:

I am sorry I couldn’t let you know when or where to meet me but I couldn’t get any information myself. By the time you get this I will be in Camp Dodge, we will get there about eight in the morning. We probably will not be there more than three or four days so counting a couple of days for a stop in Cedar Rapids I ought to be home in a week. We left Boston on Monday at 2:30 so we have made good time.

Love from


© Copyright 2014 by Alice Kitchin Enichen, All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Camp Devens, Mass. 4/29/1919

Barracks & Troops - 1917

Camp Devens, Mass., April 29, 1919

Dear Mother and Father:

You probably got the Salvation Army telegram yesterday afternoon. I had intended wiring to you but when we got off the boat the Salvation Army took our names and addresses of those we wanted notified and sent the messages.

We had a very fine trip across. We left Prum March 27th and got to Brest April 1st. We found the camp at Brest much different from what it was when we went through a year ago. At that time there was nothing there but some old stone barracks that were built in Napoleon’s time. Today there is a camp of tents and wooden barracks about two miles long. There may have been a lot of criticism of the camp while it was being constructed but no fault could be found with it now. I don’t believe there is a camp better kept up or better organized anywhere. We had iron beds, springs and mattresses and plenty of blankets. The food was good. There was entertainment of all sorts at the various YMCA, K of C and Salvation Army tents in the camp.

We left Brest the 17th of April on the SS Breton, a German passenger vessel which has just been taken over. It is an old slow boat but not made to carry so many thousand troops as the regular transports are. We sergeants had second class cabins which were a treat to us. We had our own dining room and mess so we felt that we were traveling in style. About 2200 men were on the boat altogether. There were several French brides going over to their husbands and YMCA women going back home.

We had very fine weather all through the eleven days. There was hardly a real wave on the ocean the whole time. I don’t know of anyone who was seasick. The trip was very long and tiresome, partly because we were so anxious to get back.

We landed yesterday morning about ten-thirty. Trains were down at the docks and we got right on and were brought out here. The camp is about thirty-five miles from Boston. I am going to try to get in to see Boston if I can. We have no idea of what is going to be done with us or how long we will be here. We suppose, though, that the company will be broken up and the men sent to the camps nearest the point of their enlistment. I am elated to go to Camp Dodge, at Des Moines, Iowa. I want to stop in Cedar Rapids a day or two on my way home. I want to look after the car and the money I have invested there and also find out what the college is expecting me to do.

It is good to be back again, so far we have not seen many civilians. We saw nothing of Boston and passed through just a few small towns on our way out here. When we got into the harbor all the boats blew their whistles and kept them going for about five minutes. Then a boat came out with a band and a lot of Bostonians on it. The band played and the boat circled around our ship. At the dock the Red Cross served us coffee and rolls, the YMCA gave us candy and postal cards, the K of C gave us cigarettes and the Jewish Welfare Board gave us handkerchiefs. I needed that more than the others as I have had a bad cold for a couple of weeks. The thing we appreciated most of all was the sending of the telegrams by the Salvation Army.

This is a miserable camp. I never saw such a dirty place and I can’t understand it. It doesn’t look as if the army over here is as strict as we have been used to on the other side.

I hope that there will not be any delay in our getting discharged. The time seems so long when we have nothing to do but wait to go home.

Several thousand 26th Division men are here now. Their homes are in New England and they are being discharged here. A good many of them are from Boston and other towns near here and their friends and relatives come out to see them.

Will write again tomorrow or sooner if we get any news.

Love from


© Copyright 2014 by Alice Kitchin Enichen, All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Camp Devens, Mass. 4/28/1919

Barracks & Troops - 1917

Camp Devens, Mass., April 28, 1919

Dear Mother and Father:

By now you will have received a telegram telling of my arrival at Boston. Just now we are on the train bound for Camp Devens, about 50 miles from Boston. I expect that we will be kept there only a few days as most of our company are to be mustered out at Camp Dodge, Iowa. It seems very likely that I will be home within a couple of weeks. Will write a letter as soon as I get to camp and get settled.

Love from


© Copyright 2014 by Alice Kitchin Enichen, All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Tours, France 3/30/1919


Tours, March 30, 1919

Dear Mother and Father:

We are here at Tours, France for a couple of hours on our way to Brest and expect to be there tomorrow. Don’t know how long we will be held there. We hope to be back in the U.S. during April. Have been traveling four days and we are pretty tired. Weather is cold and wet but we don’t mind little things like that when we are on our way home.

Love from


© Copyright 2014 by Alice Kitchin Enichen, All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Prum, Germany 1/26/1919


Prum, January 26, 1919

Dear Mother and Father:

I have received quite a little mail this week, our mail now having been a little more generous than usual. It still comes all mixed up. On one delivery I will get letters mailed a month or more apart. There is no way to solve those mysteries. Perhaps it is that some come by way of England and therefore take longer to get here. I told you of my receiving a letter from Joe Wright and a day or so I had one from Mrs. Hannah. I have also had a couple of letters from Mother, two from Father, two from Gladys, one from Miss Phipps and one from the Walkers in Cedar Rapids. I like to get lots of mail and I shall be able to do more writing myself now that I have some time to myself. I have made out a sort of schedule of letters to be written during the next couple of weeks and if I follow it out closely I ought to be about square with everybody by then.

There is nothing of interest going on here. The operating room is not very busy. We hardly ever have more than two operations a day and often not that many. There are four of us on duty here and when there isn’t much to do we take turns being off duty. At present I am making use of a little vacant room in the building to practice in but I am afraid that it is going to be used pretty soon and then I won’t have any place to go. The room where I am billeted has no light or heat and it is getting too cold to practice there. I am trying to get a better room but haven’t managed it yet.

We are still living in blind hopes of going home some time. There are always plenty of rumors of “inside dope” floating around but there are no real indications of our leaving very soon. We are all ready to go home. Some of the nurses want to stay but they are the only ones I know of. They get $70 a month and don’t have any expense so they don’t have anything to lose by staying over here. Their work is easy now and there are privates in the wards who do all the unpleasant work so they have it pretty nice.

I am sorry to hear of Mr. Rimpler’s death. I suppose the flu got him. He always seemed to be in good health. I am surprised at the news concerning Mr. Richardson. I hope he recovers but the newspapers didn’t say anything about his condition. He is a peculiar fellow so nervous and impulsive. I doubt whether the Miss Murdock incident had anything to do with him.

The package of handkerchiefs and Gladys’ picture has not come and the strings have never gotten here. I don’t know whether those things are allowed to be sent to us. Perhaps they never got started on the trip.

Love from


© Copyright 2014 by Alice Kitchin Enichen, All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Prum, Germany 1/16/1919


Prum, January 16, 1919

Dear Mother and Father:

I missed writing to you last Sunday because I was away. On Thursday I heard that one of our ambulances was going into Coblenz to get some new parts or repairs so I asked permission to go in which was granted. We left Friday morning about eight o’clock. The country around here is very hilly and we went up and down pretty much until we got to Cochen on the Mosel and then we went right along the Mosel River for about thirty miles into Coblenz. About ten o’clock the sun came out and we had a very nice day for the trip. The country around here is very beautiful, there are so many hills and little woods. In the summer time it must be much prettier than it is now. The trip along the Mosel was fine. Just now all the rivers are very high owing to the unusually warm and rainy winter. We have had snow only two or three times and then just enough to show a little white on the ground. Christmas we had an inch or so which was the most we have had.

The ambulance came back from Coblenz Saturday morning but my pass was good until Monday so I stayed over. Uncle August lives in Metternich which is a suburb of Coblenz so the first thing I did was to look him up. He lives about fifteen minutes ride on the street car from the center of town. I didn’t have his address so I had to enquire and nobody seemed to know much about him or his whereabouts. Finally we found the mailman and he told me where to find him. He was surprised but very glad to see me. I had told him that I would try to visit him but would write him before hand but this time I couldn’t do it as I didn’t know that I could go until the night before. His wife was in town when I got there, the first time she has gone out, he says, in the year or more they have lived there. She came back soon and seemed a little embarrassed to have company come so unexpected, especially when there is so little food to be had and people don’t have much extra in the house. They were very nice indeed and killed the fatted calf for me but of course he isn’t so fat now as he used to be.

My aunt made potato and other kinds of pancakes and a couple of kinds of coffee cake and I enjoyed those things more than meat and the other things we have plenty of but the Germans don’t have. She is a very good cook and everything she made tasted good to me. Saturday was the day that meat was given out so they went to the butcher shop to get their weekly allowance of a quarter of a pound for each person. They told the butcher that their American nephew was visiting and they would like a little extra so he let them have about a pound and a half altogether.

None of the children were home. One son, I think, is still in the army and the other is in business in Dusseldorf. The daughter is married and lives somewhere quite a ways off. Uncle August has the little girl from one of the sons, the one that is still in the army. The mother is working and has three other children so the Bickels are keeping this one. She is six years old and they have had her over four years, ever since the war began.

They have a very nice little house there in Metternich. It is not very fancy or elaborate but it is kept up very nicely. There is a little bit of ground around it on which are fruit trees and currant bushes. This last summer they made enough from the fruit and currants they sold to pay their years rent. They have a little garden and a few chickens so they have a little food supply of their own in addition to what they can get elsewhere. They are right on the edge of the city so they can go to the farmers and get things and of course they can afford to pay whatever the price is. They are pretty comfortably fixed, financially and have property in several places. Things are very uncertain in Germany now and nobody knows just where he stands. With the riots and revolutions Germany is about as badly off as Russia.

I bought a little new music in Coblenz so I have some things to work on. Miss Schwarz also borrowed some music from her teacher so we are busy practicing on those.

The town of Coblenz has been almost completely taken over by the Americans. Their government buildings are used for our army headquarters, the hotels are taken for our officers and men. The big Fest Halle is run by the YMCA and they have concerts, movies, boxing or dancing every night of the week. We are allowed to go there on one day passes and the town is just filled with our men. They get along well with the Germans wherever they go and the people are very glad that they have them instead of the French or English.

I got a few films in Coblenz to fit my camera so I may be able to get a shot or two now but it is so rainy and dark that it is impossible to do very much. The German films are much slower than the American and don’t work as well with our cheap lenses. I took a couple of the Bickel family which I have not had developed yet.

I have lost my home here for a few days. The mother of the two milliners died this morning and as there will be other children coming here for the funeral they will need all their rooms. I have a little room in the hospital where I practice and I can fix up a bed in there for awhile.

My Christmas package came a week or so ago. It didn’t get here on schedule time but perhaps it is just as well as we had so much cake and candy around Christmas time that it was enjoyed all the more for coming at a time when there wasn’t so much sweet stuff around. The cake was in perfectly good condition and was mighty fine cake. There wasn’t enough to pass it around so I ate it all myself. It makes one feel a bit queer to eat something made in his own kitchen at home and by loving hands.

The razor blades will afford me a good deal of comfort. I haven’t been able to get any Gen blades over here at all. Toilet things are pretty scarce. A while ago I thought I wasn’t ever going to get anything to brush my teeth with but I have bought some paste here in Germany and one day the YMCA had some French paste that was a little better so I laid in a little. We can’t buy soap but there is always plenty around the hospital and those of us that work here can easily get some when we need it.

I have two American dollars to put in the billfold Gladys sent me. All the rest of my money is French and German and doesn’t fit. I have a pocket book which fits the European money. All the money over here is paper. There are paper bills as low as twenty-five pfennigs and for smaller change we use postage stamps.

I shall write to Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Ballam and thank them for the candy. The other things haven’t come yet and I haven’t yet received the strings. -I am afraid that they are lost by this time. I couldn’t get any good strings in Coblenz and I am just about out, and especially need As and Gs. I am sure that if a couple were sent in a letter, so they wouldn’t bulge out too much, that they would get here.

I have had a couple of surprises this week. A couple of nights ago the man in charge of the mail said there was a Christmas package for me. I looked it over and couldn’t recognize the handwriting and finally I found the address in the corner. It was from Mrs. Hannah, in Altrincham, England. I am not sure of the names of all my English relatives but I think she must be my Aunt Sarah Ann. I remember hearing of Bob Hannah but I am not certain which aunt it is that married him. I shall acknowledge the package and say “Dear Aunt” without mentioning any names so I won’t make any bad blunders. The box contained half a dozen little mince pies or tarts as we call them and some almonds. Today I had a letter from my cousin Joe Wright who is a sergeant in Royal Engineers in France. If I remember right he is a brother to Isabella and is a couple of years younger than I.

There is just a little possibility of my going to Coblenz to do a little playing for the YMCA. I don’t know whether anything will come of it or not so I am not laying any plans. I am having a good time here and don’t care very much. Last night I had a fine supper of roast chicken, brussels sprouts, potatoes, apples and other things.

I am playing quite a little and have some time to practice so I am pretty well satisfied here except that I am so sick of the hospital and operating room work. It just seems like filling in the time until we go home and it looks as though that would not be for some time.

Love from


© Copyright 2014 by Alice Kitchin Enichen, All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Prum, Germany 1/3/1919


Prum, January 3, 1919

Dear Mother and Father:

A couple of days ago I sent you Uncle August’s letter saying that he was coming to see me. He arrived on scheduled time and we have been having a good visit. He doesn’t know any English and I know very little German but we have managed pretty well. He had an operation on his stomach a few weeks ago which has cured him of trouble he has had for many years. He is in good health and good spirits. He is very active and energetic and seems more like 45 than 60.

Last night we visited at the Schwarz’s and across the street with the young people, Elshorst. They are all very wealthy and pretty proud like all old well-to-do families are over here. They invited us out and were very nice but I don’t think Uncle August cared much about it. We were invited to dinner today at another house just beyond the town limits and I didn’t know until too late that I had to have a pass to get there so we couldn’t go. He seemed to be glad of it.

I am going to try to get a pass to visit him at Metternich for a day or two. Everything seems to be well with him. One son was lost in the war, the others are in business and the daughter is married. He says that things have turned out for Germany just as he foresaw them. When he wrote to Mother he had to write things that would pass the censor while he really thought very different.

The food situation hit them pretty hard and I think that had a great deal to do with his stomach trouble. He went back at two this afternoon. I wanted him to stay longer but there isn’t anything to do here and we couldn’t talk enough to fill up another day with it.

I enclose a letter which he wrote. I was very happy to have him here and hope I can get to see him again before we go home, whenever that may be.

Love from


© Copyright 2014 by Alice Kitchin Enichen, All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Prum, Germany 12/31/1918


Prum, December 31, 1918

Dear Mother and Father:

Just a few minutes ago Miss Schwartz came down to the hospital with the enclosed letter from Uncle August. I was indeed delighted to hear from him so soon and look forward to seeing him day after tomorrow.

Tonight is New Year’s Eve but we have no celebration scheduled so I shall probably go to bed early while you sit up and play cards with the Beethams, if you do as you usually do on New Year’s Eve.

Received the Tribune, concert program and letter from Mother yesterday. A few more packages came but mine hasn’t showed up yet. I have been visiting very regularly at the Schwartz’s and also with some young people who live across the street from them and they certainly have made me feel at home. We have been doing a lot of playing and have had very good times.

I am working this afternoon but we are not busy so I took time to write a note and send this on to you. Will write more later.

Love from


© Copyright 2014 by Alice Kitchin Enichen, All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without permission.

Prum Germany, 12/26/1918


December 26, 1918

Dear Mother and Father:

Our Christmas excitement and celebrations are now over so I can settle down and write a letter. We had a very nice Christmas and there was enough going on all day to keep everybody from getting too homesick. At midnight Christmas Eve there was a church service. We didn’t have the choir out but I played the organ. Christmas morning we got up at six and went through the halls of the hospital singing Christmas carols. It was raining on the 24th but during the night it turned cold and when we got up there was an inch or so of snow on the ground, the first of the winter.

We had two morning services at the church, at 8 and 10. The church was decorated with greens and a large tree with the usual ornaments and candles. There were large congregations and the choir did very well for its first appearance.

We got back to the hospital just in time for dinner and we had a very fine one. We got some live pigs and killed them so we had roast fresh pork in addition to stewed chicken, potatoes, peas, bread and butter, mince pie and pudding. The Y.M.C.A. gave us cigarettes again, cookies and chocolate. In the afternoon we had the party which the nurses had prepared for us. They had a tree and had made fudge, cookies and chocolate. The Red Cross had donated stockings filled with nuts, candy, cigarettes, oranges and a handkerchief. The girls bought up a lot of little toys and odds and ends in the stores here and had a fish pond. Sgt. Hill and I played most of the afternoon and later we danced. It was a very fine party and we are deeply indebted to the nurses for all the pleasure we had. It was a busy day and when night came we were tired enough to go to bed early. We thought of home a good deal during the day and knew just about what would be going on at certain times.

Sunday evening after writing to you I went with Mr. Huber, our Y.M.C.A. man and visited at his house. He stays with people named Schwartz and they have a beautiful big home and an American Steinway grand piano. Their daughter has just come back from school in Munich and plays piano. We spent the evening playing and they were very nice to me indeed. I am invited out there this evening again. It is so long since I have been in a real home that I hardly know how to behave anymore. The daughter, Conny, studied English in school so we can understand each other pretty well. I had her write a letter to my Uncle August for me, telling him that I was here and anxious to hear how things were with them. She told him that for the present it would be impossible for me to go to Dusseldorf but I would like to have him visit me here if he could manage to come. He will answer through Miss Schwartz and we will probably hear from him in a few days.

We got some mail the night before Christmas but there was none for me. Only five or six of the men have received their packages. They will be coming along pretty soon I suppose. I am still looking for the package of strings. Our moving around has delayed our mail I suppose.

There can be no doubt but what this was the happiest Christmas the world has spent for some time. The German soldiers are nearly all at home and a good part of the French and English are too. Those of us that are here wish we were home again but on the whole we are pretty well satisfied that we are through with the fighting.

So far there is no indication of our going home very soon. It looks as though we are going to stay here awhile. My regards to everybody as usual.

Love from


© Copyright 2014 by Alice Kitchin Enichen, All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without permission.